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- 2022年三月注册为加拿大联邦非营利组织 (NPO)
- 起源于加拿大华人供应链组织 (SCOM-CA)
- 成为北美最专业最有影响力的华人供应链组织
- 帮助北美尤其是加拿大新移民在供应链职场的发展和成长
- 搭建供应链专业人士的交流平台
- 提供北美中小企业的供应链运营管理的咨询
Our Branch
- 目前会员来自加拿大多个城市以及美国的部分城市
- 随着协会的发展,会成立各城市分部
About Us
- North American Chinese Supply Chain Association (CSCA) was founded in Mar 2022 as a non-profit organization in Canada.
- To be the most Professional and Influential Supply Chain Org in NA Chinese Society
- CSCA can help Chinese supply chain professionals living in North America to achieve their world-class operational excellence knowledge and skill, as well as develop a suitable career path in NA.
- CSCA can also support small to medium size enterprises in networking, employee training/recruiting, and operation consultant in supply chain functions.